If all roads lead to somewhere…

…where to now?

Calm in Co.Fermanagh, Ireland
Calm in Co.Fermanagh, Ireland

It’s funny how your outlook on life can determine what you see.

What do you see here?

Do you see the end of the road, or the need for new direction.

Do you think “I must turn around”, or “From here I swim”?

Do you focus on the end of the jetty, or on the island and tree.

So you tell me then…what do You see?





20 thoughts on “If all roads lead to somewhere…

  1. I imagine myself kneeling on the jetty’s edge ready to stick my hand in the water. I also wonder about that solitary tree just off the shoreline and how it sprouted one day to become what it is now. Very nice shot!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I see so many photographic possibilities and as soon as I’ve exhausted them I hope to have a spare battery to continue to explore the area. Love your blog posts! Since I have a yen to come visit your country I will “follow” you to enjoy it for now with your lens.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. the splash into the glass of the mirror of the self and of creation that goes off into eternity until I fall off of the world at the edge….and then I learn that the edge is only what I can see from where I am at any given moment

    and water feels good!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “your outlook on life can determine what you see.” Yes, it does. A narrow path. The ripples on the water flowing outward, affecting everything outward from the first. Trees and new growth. Possible storm clouds, yet the beyond where everything is possible.

    I would love for someone to paint this on my wall so I could stare into it every day. (sigh)

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