The Irish patient.


 Where am I?

You know the corridor is out of reach for you.

But you glide through it regardless, and you must.

It doesn’t seem real anyway.

Doors, the floors and the miss-shapes and blurred lines.

Glass windows to a world that’s more distant to you now than ever before.


The emptiness where there should be a chaos…of sorts?

Carry on hopelessly towards the blue haze at the end.

Towards the voices familiar to you.

But they’re  strangely distant of late.

Not so clear.  Fuzzy like your head.

Strange voices now seem always present, and always changing.


You settle back in you place of rest thinking…I’ve done enough for today.

But you’ve never left your hospital bed.

You are still there.

Gazing at the doors to that corridor.

Confused and afraid,

you are still there.



(On any given day in Ireland there could be between 600-800 sick and elderly, lying on trollies in hospital corridors and emergency rooms? Staff shortages, cutbacks and mismanagement all playing their part).



11 thoughts on “The Irish patient.

  1. Thank you for capturing this nearly nonexistent existence poetically, Steve. Completely unsolvable bad circumstances are enough to tire anyone out. Love the labyrinth in the middle of the floor. A labyrinth is not a maze – it has no dead ends. Suggests a ray of hope, however difficult to find.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Dis-heartening sights. A long time friend of mine died last November 1 having spent many of his last days in a “nursing home”, and finally in a hospice facility for a few, last days. Sad to see so many folks just sitting in a “day” room, watching tv, silently, eyeing their fellow inmates, everyone with lost eyes, some sleeping in chairs, etc. I told his wife, and mine, looking at him a day or so before his death, “I don’t want to be that man in the bed”. Reality is often more than we want it to be.
    God bless you and your family. Enjoy the hell out of them all.
    Dick H.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Dick.
      Very sorry to hear about your friend, and I hope his wife has coped. This post was prompted by the fact that my Mum has been in hospital for the past four weeks, with no sign of her getting out for a while. I too had the same thoughts as you. Take care.


    1. There are plenty of nurses, doctors and therapists…sadly the government cut backs in health mean that there is no money to pay them. There are actually empty beds and wards, but no staff. A lot of the new grads look to other countries for work. The results of bad spending and recession I’m afraid!


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